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Murang'a County

Irene Njoroge

Connect with Irene Njoroge

At CAfRIC Centre, we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care by integrating evidence-based practices and trauma-informed techniques into every facet of our services. Our commitment to excellence and sensitivity to the impact of trauma drive us to create a healing environment that not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters long-term well-being.

Irene Njoroge

Mental Health and Behavioural Therapist / Clinical Director, CAfRIC Centre Kenya
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Irene is a Canadian trained and certified mental health and substance use clinician, educator and public health professional, who holds a Bachelor of Nursing Degree, A Master of Public Health and a plethora of Post-Graduate Certificates in mental health and substance use treatment and counselling. Prior to founding CAfRIC Centre, she was practicing in Canada for 12 years, and was highly involved in substance use treatment, education, research, program development, and content development. She has co-authored a number of publications. 

Irene is also the Founder of CAfRIC International, through which she has been an avid advocate of promoting equity and access to mental health and substance use treatment for African and Caribbean Black people in Canada. Irene’s passion stems from her own personal experiences, growing up with siblings who struggled with mental health and substance use. She hopes to honor the legacy and resilience of her deceased parents and siblings by ensuring that other families have access to information and treatment, so they do not struggle the way her family did.

Evidence Based Excellence

We believe in the power of science-backed approaches. Our services are rooted in evidence-based techniques that have demonstrated effectiveness in promoting mental health, healing, and personal growth. These practices are not only rigorously researched but also thoughtfully applied to each individual's unique journey, ensuring tailored and meaningful outcomes.

Trauma-Informed Care

Recognizing the profound impact of trauma, our approach is deeply informed by trauma-sensitive practices. We understand that experiences of trauma can shape one's perception, responses, and recovery process. Our team is trained to provide care that is empathetic, non-judgmental, and respectful of each individual's experiences, creating an environment where healing can take root.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)