Your One Stop Shop for all Mental Health and Well-being Solutions
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Murang'a County


CAfRIC Centre Team

We have a diverse, skilled and experienced team of professionals with a combination of local and international expertise.

Our Clinical Team consists of: Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Clinical Officers,
Psychiatric Nurses, Pharmacist, Counselling Psychologists, Clinical Education Coordinator, Clinical Nutritionist, Fitness Trainer; and is well supported by a Dynamic Administrative and Support team.

Irene Njoroge

Irene Njoroge

Founder and Clinical Director, CAfRIC International

CAfRIC International

P.N Gakure

Director of Operations

Clinical Department

Evanson Kabagi

Evans Kabagi

Clinical Manager
CAfRIC Centre Kenya

Dr. Linet Kendi

Consulting Psychiatrist

Benice Muisyo

Psychiatric Nurse
Mary Mabuya Psychiatric Nurse - CAfRIC Centre Kenya

Mary Mabuya

Psychiatric Nurse
Gloria Mbula Mutunga

Gloria Mutunga

Counseling Psychologist
Loise Kamau

Loise Kamau

Counseling Psychologist
CAfRIC Centre Kenya

Cate Mundia

Pharmaceutical Technologist
CAfRIC Centre Kenya

Alice Gathuita

Clinical Nutritionist
Brian Njaaga

Brian Njaaga

Fitness Trainer
CAfRIC Centre Kenya

Melody Nyaboke

Counselling Psychologist

Operations Department

Kennedy Ikonya

Kennedy Ikonya

Lead Program Management Office
Raphael Kirima Support Services Supervisor

Raphael Kirima

Support Services Supervisor
Cecilia Muthoni

Cecilia Muthoni

Environmental Services


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)