T H R I V E by CAfRIC Centre

THRIVE is CAfRIC’s 8 week online self-mastery program that helps individuals understand the origin of their deep-seated beliefs and personalities that control parts of their life without them knowing.
After completing this program individuals gain self- awareness, self-regulation, emotional intelligence and a sense of authority and responsibility in their lives to transition from surviving to thriving.
The THRIVE program will make a difference to:
Parents: Balance authority and nurturance
Leaders: Promote team engagement and productivity
Couples: Foster connection and trust in relationships
Individuals: Increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence; reparent the inner child; and set healthy boundaries to stop self-sabotage
Psychologist Carl Jung said:
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”
“ life is short, don’t waste it living someone else’s life” (Steve Jobs).
At CAfRIC, We believe that with the write information and support, every person can maximize their full potential.
CAfRIC stands for (Creating Awareness for Responsible and Informed Choices), and in the THRIVE program we provide you with information and support to help you make informed decisions and choices.
Don’t just do; BE!
- Lake Bogoria Avenue, Githingiri Estate, Murang'a County (10 Minutes from Thika Flyover; close to Thika Sports Club)
(+254) 793 888 475
(+254) 768 665 921 - info@cafric.org