Your One Stop Shop for all Mental Health and Well-being Solutions
Welcome to CAfRIC CentreWelcome to CAfRIC CentreWelcome to CAfRIC Centre
We are Open 24/7 | 365 Days
Murang'a County

Outpatient Treatment and Counselling Services

We do house calls for family therapy when needed.

At CAfRIC, we believe that recovery is possible, and it can be achieved on your terms. Our outpatient services empower you to take control of your healing process and lead a fulfilling life.

We provide the following services on an outpatient basis:

Counselling for all Mental Health related conditions
Biopsychosocial assessments
Comprehensive Psychiatric assessments
Complex trauma processing
Urine drug screening
Couples and Family therapy
Parenting Coaching
Family Constellation
Psychological First Aid
Grief Therapy for losses related to: Relationships, Jobs, Terminal illness diagnosis and Death


  • Lake Bogoria Avenue, Githingiri Estate, Murang'a County (10 Minutes from Thika Flyover; close to Thika Sports Club)
  • (+254) 793 888 475
    (+254) 768 665 921

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)